how to work rodent repellent system

rodent repellent system working principle Electronic rodent repellent , rat repellent, rat control system rodent repellent system , car rat repellent ,is high technology electronics device like transmitter and emits high Frequency sound called Russell viper snake’s Ultrasonic Waves have Frequency, above 20KHz, which is the upper limit of the hearing range of the human ear. These powerful Russell viper sound waves hit the eardrums of rats. As the rats do not have the ability to close their ear, they have to listen to the sound waves, Causing pain, fear and anxiety and enabling them to leave the place. This powerful machine emits Russell viper snakes frequency so rat feared and leave that place. rat repellent system, rodent repellent system, rodent repellent manufacturers, rat repellent manufacturers, pest repellent machine Advantages . 24 hours Supports. 100% Protections Creates Hygienic Environment Silent Operations ...